balances mind, body, and spirit!

The illumination of knowing our life's purpose and the satisfaction of fully living it brings clarity, meaning, and fulfillment into our lives. When we are consciously aligned with our deepest reasons for being, we tap into rich reserves of energy, personal power, and passion. Our lives begin to flow in new and delightful ways and it brings a peaceful stillness to our souls.  As we experience the depths of our hearts we are able to love ourselves without judgment and learn to extend it to others.

When we become our authentic selves, we can offer the world our gifts, talents, and skills with the clarity of our intention and without fear, finally living our dreams.

Our Workshops and Retreats are designed to:

  • ·         Transform and renew your relationships.
    ·         Illuminate your spiritual gifts.
    ·         Overcome the fears that prevent you from moving forward.
    ·         Increase your self esteem.
    ·         Discover what unique gifts, talents, and skills you bring into this world.
    ·         Discover what specific issues represent your life's challenges.
    ·         Discover what gives your life meaning and purpose.   
    ·         Create spiritually intelligent leadership.
    ·         Develop clarity, passion, and personal powerIdentify your values, virtues, qualities, and talents.

For Trainees and Clinicians, if you are interested in training in Souldrama, please view this link below.

The Universal Presence has little to do with intelligence, for the universe is not an intellectual process. The intellect is helpful, but our true selves are a reflection of our hearts and they are the wiser part of ourselves. A new wisdom is unfolding in accordance with the demands of our current times.

Behind all of these human desires is the creative impulse of our soul; it moves through each of us and through the world we exist in. When we can understand, connect, and respond to soul, we find meaning in all of our experiences, even the most difficult ones. When we resist the soul because we don't understand what's happening; we become ill, have accidents, experience emotional pain, and struggle with money as well as work and interpersonal relationships.

Souldrama builds a bridge between psychology and spirituality.  It is a group process that integrates our rational, emotional and spiritual intelligences while aligning the ego and soul.

Putting Our Preferences into Action!
 Inspiring Creativity and Connection 

We are all agents of change. The task of this generation is to cut through the illusion that we live in separate worlds. Today, if we want to change systems, we have to change human behavior; however, human behavior is not so easily changed.  The main responsibility of a true leader today is to change the motivations that drive behavior, enabling people to achieve real transformation. The only way the world will be transformed is for individuals to make changes in individual levels of consciousness. When we put therapy into action we are able to help people be more conscious of the roles they play and help them to change them.You will be taught specific techniques, such as psychodrama, sociometry group psychotherapy and souldrama, for use with individuals, groups and families. In each training group or workshop, special attention is paid to creating a safe place to learn and practice new skills. Specific action methods tools are taught, in a step-by-step fashion, so that you can build upon your existing clinical skills. Special topics taught include (but, are not limited to): 

  • - Using Action Methods for Group Building
  • - Working with "Resistance"
  • - Healing Toxic Shame
  • - Dealing with Conflic Effectively
  • - Addiction and Recovery
  • - Doubling Role Play
  • - Empty Chair Work
  • - When in Doubt: Ethical Choices

Finding your Higher Power

We live in a world that is changing rapidly, not only in the technology, but also in the social and cultural realms. Roles are being revised, social norms stretched, and people are struggling to re-constitute a sense of meaning and social and spiritual connectedness amidst all these changes. This effort requires the development of the capacity for creativity, and that in turn involves a synthesis of language, rationality, perception, intuition, emotion, imagery, and the felt sense of the body in action. This means that the left hemisphere of the brain, dealing more with language and reason, must be helped to balance with the right hemisphere, which coordinates the qualities of intuition, imagery, emotion, and action and we in turn with our emotional intelligence will find balance as we move forward. One way to do this is to move from our rational intelligence to our spiritual intelligence and one of these porcesses that builds a bridge between our rational and spiritual selves is called Souldrama.  It is then that we will be able to awaken our higher purpose and create spiritually intelligent leadership. Spiritual intelligence sees the larger whole and how we are all connected. Cleverness divides feeding the ego saying “I am better than you”; spiritual intelligence includes and unites.  When we develop our spiritual intelligence we can begin to ask ourselves why we are doing what we are doing and then seek some fundamentally better way of doing it.